Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Use the following websites to learn about and make a concept map of the Kingdom your group is assigned. You may hand draw the concept maps or use Inspiration Software. A free 30 day trial is available at their website.

Make bubbles on your concept map for each of the following:
  1. Each phylum (or division) in your kingdom.
  2. Pictures representing each phylum or division.
  3. Characteristics of your kingdom in general.
  4. Characteristics of each phylum or division.
We will then link all of your individual concept maps together to make one large class concept map of all of the kingdoms of living things. 

Note: Your textbook and many sources indicate FIVE Kingdoms. Some sources divide Monerans into two groups thus making SIX Kingdoms

General Taxonomy Websites:
Websites for each Kingdom:
Click on the concept map to the right to see a slide show of concept maps of each kingdom. Use these concept maps to complete the concept maps for each kingdom in your science journal.

    Click on image to see more photos of students reading Animal Diversity books from OPRF High School AP Biology Students in MRs. Henning's Class.

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