Friday, September 17, 2010


You are the Mayor of Morgan City, Louisiana. The 75th annual Shrimp and Petroleum Festival is scheduled for next week.
Read the article: Shrimp and Oil are Still King at Louisiana Festival
Image used with permission from Arthur's Science Clip Art

As Mayor, you must decide if you are going to cancel the festival for safety reasons or allow it to go on.

Write a letter to the organizers of the festival explaining your position.

Include the following:
  • A quote from at least one source that agrees with your position.
  • A quote from at least one source that disagrees with your position.
  • At least two facts and figures that support your opinion.
Possible resources:
Is Gulf Seafood Safe to Eat?
A Poor Appetite for Gulf Seafood
Chefs Learn About Gulf Seafood
Food Safety News
Another Reason Not to Eat Gulf Shrimp: FDA's Week Safety Standards

Links on this blog to review and learn more about the oil spill:
Oil Spill and its effects on Ecosystem
Oil Spill Cleanup - Methods and Video

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