Monday, December 13, 2010


A. Draw a picture of one cell, show it dividing into two cells, then four, etc. Calculate how many cells you will have after:
  • one cell division
  • two cell divisions
  • three cell divisions
  • four cell divisions
What pattern do you notice is happening with each cell division?
Calculate how many cells you will get in one minute if the first cell divides every five seconds.

B. Read page 102 in your textbook about cell division.

C. Watch the following videos about cell division
    • Simulation of Cell Division Shows how one cell divides over and over again to make many cells!
    • Basic Cell Division Shows how the nucleus divides first and then the cytoplasm divides (Cytokinesis).
    • Mitosis of a Lung Cell Shows an electron microscopic video of the nucleus from the cell of lung tissue dividing. 
    • Mitosis of a Blood Lily Shows an electron microscopic video of the chromosomes pairing up in the nucleus of the cell of a Lily plant dividing.
    D. Write a paragraph summarizing what cell division is. 
    1. Use transitional words like first, then and finally to organize your paragraph.
    2. Include the following words in your paragraph:
    • cell division
    • mitosis
    • nuclei
    • chromosomes
    • DNA
    • cytokinesis

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