Friday, December 10, 2010


  1. Brain Pop DNA
  2. What are Chromosomes?
  3. Number of chromosomes in living organisms
  4. Size of Living organisms in cm - Do an internet search. (Hint-type name of organism and facts or size in search bar - i.e. elephant facts or elephant size) 
  5. Conversion Calculator
Copy the following table. Make 10 rows and choose about 10 organisms to research. The ones listed are just suggestions.
Use the links above or do an internet search to fill it out information about the number of chromosomes vs the size of living organisms.
Name of ORGANISM Plant or Animal   Size in
Number of Chromosomes Predicted Actual Number of Chromosomes   
Homo Sapien            
Felis catus

Dog       Canis lupus familiaris

Cow Bos primigenius

Bean  Phaseolus


Solanum tuberosum

Fast plant
Brassica rapa

  1. How close were your predictions?
  2. Add to this data chart and make a graph comparing the size of an organism with number of chromosomes it has. You may hand draw the graph or do it on a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.
  3. Is there any correlation to size?
  4. Do plants or animals have more chromosomes? Is there any correlation?

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