Tuesday, June 7, 2011

FIBINOCCI SEQUENCE AND THE GOLDEN MEAN 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, .....

The Fibonacci sequence of numbers was first created by Leonardo Fibonacci in 1202

Fibinocci and the Golden Mean Video 

Fibinocci Biography 
Fibinocci Overview 
More Fibinocci 
Fibinocci Mural Project Photos

Count the petals on flowers, number of spirals on a pine cone, number of branches on a tree...and see if they meet the golden ratio!

Measure the ratio of the proportions in your body and see if they meet the golden ratio!Try your dog, your cat, other animals. Try the Mona Lisa! Does she have "perfect Golden Ratio" proportions?
Measure the ratio of proportions of your teeth and see if they meet the golden ratio!

Fibinocci in Furniture
Measure the proportions of furniture and see if they meet the golden ratio!
 Fibinocci in Architecture
Measure the proportions in buildings around your school and home to see if they meet the golden ratio. Try measuring famous buildings such as the Parthenon. Did Frank Lloyd Wright use the Golden Ratio in his architecture?

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